Get Involved
Being a disciple means living your life in the example of Christ. Jesus was the perfect example of servanthood. How will you use your gifts for the service of others?
Parish Ministries
Our Parish Ministries and Affiliates help us define in which ways we will actively embrace our Stewardship. It is through service with our hearts, hands, and minds that we are able to be the hands and feet of Christ in the modern world. Let us help guide you in your personal discipleship through evangelization and stewardship.
Contact the Parish Office or Check out the Bulletin for more information about current ministry activities.
First Fruits Farm Stand
First Fruits Farm Stand is a produce stand of excess fruits and vegetables from people’s gardens to share for free with the community. Anyone can donate their spare produce to the stand and then anyone who wants/needs the produce can take it. Leftover produce after Masses will be put under the pavilions for people to take during the week. It will operate as a first come– first serve basis. If you have any questions please contact Nick Lawless at 989-640-3526 or Joanna Lawless at 989-640-8405.
Funeral Lunch Ministry
After the loss of a loved one families are taxed with making countless decisions while working through their own grief process. St. Joseph Parish offers a funeral lunch to our parishioners to help them not need to worry about “one more thing” during their final arrangements.
Good Samaritan Food Ministry
The St. Joseph Good Samaritan Ministry has partnered with Feeding America of West Michigan to minister to our community as well as our surrounding communities by providing food, laundry soap, cleaning products along with hygiene and toiletry items to all of those in need. We offer two mobile food pantries once per month each. One located at Twin Rivers Elementary School, Muir and the other at the American Legion, Hubbardston.
Parish Library
Our Parish Library has a treasure-trove of incredible Catholic books and movies. The entire catalog is available for review online as well.
Prayer Network
The Prayer Network is a prayer ministry which prays for prayer intentions for our parishioners and their loved ones. Learn how to join as a prayer warrior or how to submit a prayer request by clicking the ministry name above.