
How to use our library catalog:

Sign Up!

  • Click the button below to complete a short form requesting a new library account. Once your account has been created by the Parish Librarian you will receive an email from Libib with your new account password.
  • Login to the patron page using your email address and the new password at

Seeking to address the needs of St. Joseph Parish and community, we, the members of the St. Joseph Library Committee, dedicate our times and effort to establish and maintain resources conducive to the Teachings and promotion of the Catholic Faith.

Our goal is to fight against Spiritual indifference and apathy caused by ignorance of our faith.

We pray that the Holy Spirit inspires our thoughts and actions to move us to provide the Truths and orthodox Catholicism holds.

St. Joseph Parish Library Mission Statement

Change Your Password

Be sure to change your password by selecting Patron Page> Edit Profile> Change Password

Put Books on Hold

  • Using patron page you can browse our parish library and put books on hold.
  • When a book is put on hold, a notification is sent to the Parish Librarian.
  • The Librarian will retrieve the book and make it available for pick up.
  • Once you find a desired book, select Add Hold button to add it to your hold queue, you can add multiple books to your queue. When finished selecting books, choose Complete as shown below.
  • Select Submit to send your order to the St. Joseph Parish Librarian.

Parish Library History

St. Joseph Parish library was started when the late Millie Smith suggested to Fr. Mason that we needed a
parish library. Millie loved to read and often talked about great Catholic books and loaned books to
fellow parishioners.

A notice was put in the bulletin to see if there was any interest. The first meeting was held in the old
convent’s living room. A number of parishioners attended as well as Millie and Fr. Mason. That was in
early 2002. The Pewamo K of C, St. Joseph Altar Society, and several parishioners made donations at
that time to get the library started. All funds since that time have been donations.

We formed a committee of volunteers and got started. Our goal is to provide good Catholic books and
movies for parishioners of every age. It was decided that the library would be in the room that had been the convent’s dining room. Tony Feldpausch generously gave of his time and talent to build the shelving units.

The library committee meets eight times a year, and we are always looking for new items to keep our
library current. In 2021 it was decided that the school library and parish library should be combined. We now have all
items available to you in one convenient location.