
Be Brave in Christ!
St. Joseph School, staff, parents, and parish family are committed to teaching quality, Christ-centered Catholic beliefs and values. Our uniqueness is displayed in our staff dedication, parental involvement, and community pride, which makes St. Joseph a leader in academic excellence, social integration, and appreciation.
St. Joseph Catholic School Mission Statement
St. Joseph School, staff, parents, and parish family are committed to teaching quality, Christ-centered Catholic beliefs and values. Our uniqueness is displayed in our staff dedication, parental involvement, and community pride, which make St. Joseph a leader in academic excellence, social integration and appreciation.

St. Joseph Catholic School is devoted to helping students develop in every dimension of life – nurturing a relationship with Christ as the foundation for an inspiring program of academic study.
Students have many opportunities to live their faith:
- Vibrant twice-weekly celebration of Mass
- Preparation for First Holy Communion, Reconciliation, and Confirmation
- Living rosary, morning prayer and pledge, and other all-school prayer opportunities
- Our clergy regularly visit all classrooms to interact with students
“Children have a body and a soul. Both need care.”
-Bishop David Walkowiak
Where Christ Illuminates Learning & Life

Exceptional Academics
Our Catholic schools provide an outstanding personalized learning experience known to boost academics. Research shows that students who attend Catholic schools have higher test scores and are more likely to graduate high school, earn scholarships, and attend college than their peers in other school types. Higher achievement opens new earning potential and opportunities over a lifetime.
Lasting Investment
Catholic school students are vital to the future of the Catholic Church. They are more likely than their peers to attend Mass, receive the sacraments, and practice their faith. When we choose Catholic schools, ad when we support Catholic students, we form the future Catholic Church and build Christ’s kingdom on earth.

Investing in their Future

Affordable Catholic School Education
A Catholic school education is not a concept to be taught, but a reality to be lived. At St. Joseph Catholic School, we do not want tuition to be a hindrance to any family which is why we offer plenty of forms of support:
- The Bishop’s Scholarship Fund
- Need-based assistance for families
- Apply through Smart Aid
- School and parish scholarships
- Kremer Scholarship
- Other forms of available support
- Multi-child discount