
Baptism is the foundational Sacrament and the prerequisite for all other sacraments. It unites us with Jesus Christ, incorporates us into his redemptive death on the Cross, thereby freeing us from the power of Original Sin and all personal sins, and causes us to rise with him to a life without end.
To schedule an infant Baptism, please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.
For adult Baptisms, and to learn more about becoming Catholic, please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.

The Sacrament of Penance is God’s gift to us so that any sin committed after Baptism can be forgiven. In confession we have the opportunity to repent and recover the grace of friendship with God. It is a holy moment in which we place ourselves in his presence and honestly acknowledge our sins, especially mortal sins. With absolution, we are reconciled to God and the Church. The Sacrament helps us stay close to the truth that we cannot live without God. “In him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Click here to view the current reconciliation schedule. Reconciliation is also available by appointment, please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.

Holy Eucharist
Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament in which Jesus Christ gives his Body and Blood – Himself – for us, so that we too might give ourselves to him in love and be united with Him in Holy Communion. In this way we are joined with the one Body of Christ, the Church. For a complete Mass schedule, please click here. First Communion is prepared for though the Faith Formation program. Please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.

Confirmation is the Sacrament that completes Baptism; in it when the gifts of the Holy Spirit are bestowed upon us. Anyone who freely decides to live a life as God’s child and asks for God’s Spirit under the signs of the imposition of hands and anointing with Chrism receives the strength to witness to God’s love and might in word and deed. He is now a full-fledged, responsible member of the Catholic Church. Confirmation is prepared for in the 8th grade through the Faith Formation program, please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.
Adults who seek the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.

Anointing of the Sick
Jesus shows us: Heaven suffers with us when we suffer. God even wants to be rediscovered in “the least of these my brethren” (Mt. 25:40). That is why Jesus designated care of the sick as a central task for his disciples. He commands them, “Heal the sick” (Mt. 10:8), and he promises them divine authority: “In my name they will cast out demons; … they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mk 16:17-18). To schedule the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.

Holy Matrimony
A sacramental marriage has three necessary elements: (a) free consent, (b) the affirmation of a life-long, exclusive union, and (c) openness to children. The most profound thing about a Christian marriage, however, is the couple’s knowledge: “We are a living image of the love between Christ and the Church.” Preparations for marriage at St. Joseph start a minimum of 6 months prior to the wedding. Do not make any reservations before talking to the Parish Office. To start the preparations for marriage, please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.

Holy Orders
A Catholic priest who administers the Sacraments acts not on the basis of his own power or moral perfection, but rather “in persona Christi”. Through his ordination, the transforming, healing, saving power of Christ is grafted onto him. Because a priest has nothing of his own, he is above all a servant. The distinguishing characteristic of every authentic priest, therefore, is humble astonishment at his own vocation.
To learn more about the Sacrament of Holy Orders, and other vocational calls including the call to religious life and permanent deaconate, please contact the Parish Office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.

Rite of Christian Burial
Although funerals are not sacraments, the Rite of Christian Burial has a depth of ritual and meaning that reminds us that the grave has been overcome by the death and resurrection of Christ the Lord.
In the Catholic funeral we commend our loved one into the mercy of God and we also commend ourselves, praying for God’s comfort and peace in a time of loss. The options of readings, music choices (i.e. church hymns) and what it is appropriate to do within the ritual are there precisely in order to perform this ritual of commending the loved one into God’s mercy and eternity.
Tribute to Life- Planning your Catholic end of life resources.
To learn more about the Rite of Christian Burial please contact the parish office at 989-593-3440 or click here to complete a digital form.