Good Samaritan Ministry

He said to them in reply, “Whoever had two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” Luke 3:11

Our Good Samaritan Ministry partnered with Feeding America of West Michigan to minister to our community as well as our surrounding communities by providing food, laundry soap, cleaning products along with hygiene and toiletry items to all of those in need.

Good Samaritan Ministry will have unlimited opportunities for our parish to engage in. For this Ministry to be successful we seek parishioners to utilize their God given gifts through Corporal Works of Mercy “feeding the hungry” by giving their Time, Talent, and Treasures and putting their faith into action. This stewardship will allow St. Joseph Parish and our community partners the opportunity to strengthen our families, which in turn builds stronger communities by loving our neighbor as we love ourselves.

We offer two mobile food pantries, once a month each, one located in Muir at Twin Rivers Elementary School, the other in Hubbardston at the American Legion Hall. Volunteers are needed on every distribution day. Prayerfully consider if this is a ministry that God is calling you to be a part of. Step out of your comfort zone and put your faith into action, to serve others through our parish being the hands and the feet of our Lord.

“You shall bring out all the tithes of your produce for that year and deposit them within your own communities, that the Levite who has no hereditary portion with you, and also the resident alien, the orphan and the widow within your gates, may come and eat and be satisfied; so that the Lord, your God may bless you and all that you undertake.” (Deut 14:28-29)

Training & Paperwork

If your being called to be a Good Samaritan, there is required training. These you can also sign up for in Sign Up Genius and will be held in the K of C Room. You only have to attend 1 training date. This training will be informational but also allows Good Samaritan Ministries to distribute information and collect volunteer releases before distribution dates.

Paperwork Required for all Volunteers: