Faith Formation
“Christian, recognize your dignity and, now that you share in God’s own nature, do not return to your former base condition by sinning. Remember who is your head and of whose body you are a member. Never forget that you have been rescued from the power of darkness and brought into the light of the Kingdom of God.” Parents are the first educators of their children as a God-given responsibility. They are the first to introduce the faith to their children.Parents exercise this fundamental responsibility with the aid and support of both the Church and civil community. Both have a vested interest and responsibility in education of the young.Parents possess the fundamental right to choose the formative tools that support their convictions and fulfill their duty as the first educators.
~St. Leo the Great, Sermo 21 in nat. Dom., 3: PL 54, 192C.
Student Faith Formation
All Faith Formation students grades K-12. Dates and times vary by program.
Sacramental Preparation
2nd Grade: First Sacraments
8th Grade: Confirmation
St. Joseph Parish offers a variety of adult formation opportunities.
Catechist Resources
Our catechists and small group leaders are the hands & feet of our Faith Formation program. These volunteers help bring the message of Jesus Christ and the entirety of the Catholic faith to your youth. If you know someone who is currently serving as a catechist, please take time to thank them for your dedicated service to our faith.
Following the guidelines of the Diocese of Grand Rapids Catechist Certification Program, St. Joseph Parish is committed to training and growing our catechists in order to offer the best possible faith formation programs possible.
Parent Resources
- Catholic Information Center
- Classes and programs to help people learn, celebrate, live and pray the Catholic Faith. We also offer institutes to equip Catholics with knowledge and skills to become leaders in their parishes.
- Thousands of Catholic movies, programs, audio, and books instantly at your fingertips, for FREE.
- Catholic Central
- Short video clips, intended for teens, which help to explain the tenants of our Catholic faith through humor and a youthful approach.
- I’m Beggar
- I’m Beggar is geared toward older teens and those who prefer guided reflection. These videos will help you enter deeper into your faith.
- Word on Fire
- Bishop Robert Barron is proclaiming Christ in the culture. From book studies to podcasts and videos, Bishop Barron helps you find your faith in your daily life.
- Ascension Presents
- These podcasts feature Fr. Mike Schmitz, Dr. Edward Sri, Jeff Cavins and more. Faith topics for our current times.
- Catholic Icing
- This website offers hundreds of ideas for at-home Catholic learning activities. It features hands-on activities, coloring pages and lessons for our younger Catholics. It’s the perfect way to help fill those “bored” gaps in your schedule.
- Protecting Young Eyes
- Are you a tech-ready parent? In today’s ever changing digital world, we must do everything we can to protect our children. This website helps you stay on-top of the advancements and risks of digital usage for children.
- Virtus Online
- St. Joseph Parish, and the Diocese of Grand Rapids, are committed to keeping children safe from all those who which to harm them. We participate in the Virtus- Protecting God’s Children program. To learn more, please contact the parish office.