Cycle Basics

Cycle Basics

I would like to introduce a new ministry I started at our Parish called Cycle Basics. The purpose of Cycle Basics is to provide a simple and practical introduction to the menstrual cycle to young adults and parents. I will teach simple and helpful facts about hormones and how to chart a menstrual cycle. I will review potential red flags during a cycle and discuss how to address such issues. I will discuss the development of charting habits, overcoming challenges, and mental benefits to cycle awareness. Additionally, I will offer resources from the Compass Fruitful Conversation Guide. developed at the Archdiocese of Detroit, to pair my teachings with how to gently have this conversation with your youth.

At this time, I plan to host two online sessions per year to provide you this information. Online sessions are attractive because you can be in the comforts of your home, or even on vacation and still receive the information. These sessions are intended for young adults and parents. Children under the age of 18 are welcome to attend if accompanied by an adult. 

Join me for my first session July 23rd, 2024 (Video call link:

~Ashley Klein, RN, BSN, MMCP, Cycle Coach