Sacramental Preparation

First Reconciliation and First Eucharist

Our 2nd Grade students will prepare for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist during the Tuesday morning Faith Formation classes. These students are also expected to attend two evening retreats to help foster a deeper understanding of each Sacrament.

Sacramental Retreats

First Reconciliation
January 15, 5:30-7pm

First Eucharist
April 23, 5:30-7pm

Sacramental Celebrations

First Reconciliation
January 22, 6:00pm

First Eucharist
April 27, 1:00pm


Paloma Espíritu Santo

St. Joseph Parish prepares our students for Confirmation in the 8th Grade.  Our preparation program includes 3 retreats (child + sponsor) and classroom lessons during the school day for St. Joseph students and on Sunday afternoons for faith formation students.

The Confirmation Mass date is selected by the office of the Bishop. Once we get the date we will announce it to all Confirmation families as soon as possible.

Sacramental Retreats
Required for 8th Grade & encouraged for 6th & 7th grade

“I Suffer” Retreat
Saturday, October 12, 4-9pm

“I Surrender” Retreat
This retreat is for the Candidate and their Sponsor together
Saturday, February 8, 4-9pm

“I am Sealed” Retreat
Date will be the Saturday following reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation Documents

Decision Point Videos

Decision Point Student Workbook

Decision Point Leader Guide